I’m Gonna Miss This

Dear Baby Girl –

Today you turned 4 months — just 3 months and 3 weeks ago we brought you home, I was so scared I would mess up but now we have it down to a science and you smile and laugh so much. You are a very happy baby and it makes me feel relieved that you’re still here.

I teared up when I played “Never Grow Up” by Taylor Swift and then started reflecting when I sung to you, “You’re Gonna Miss This by Trace Atkins.

You rolled over today and have been trying so hard, on the 23rd you’re going in to get your 4 month shots I had to take you in you for you first doctor visit cause we all got sick cause of the crud going around and you weighed 15 pounds 3 ounces and you were 27 inches long on November 6th.

You had your first Turkey Day on the 19th of November yeah Thanksgiving is going to be on the 24th but it was just easy to have it on a weekend, you were worn out and slept in til 9:30 am the next morning.

You are really big on routine, you eat 8 ounces now and love your bath time although you have just outgrown being bathed in the sink the 19th of November was the first time you bathed in the tub.

We are all getting excited for Christmas. You are able to sit up with our help and trying so hard to push yourself up in your bouncer. You so badly want to run after your cousin.

Watching you change and grow everyday makes me so happy and so sad at the same time. I really do wish these days would go slower. But I accept what happens as long as you are safe, healthy and happy I am too.

Watching you discover the world makes me wonder what you are thinking sometimes I can see the wheels turning and it amazes me so much.

I love you with all my heart baby.


Your mama.

Hard Enough!!


Breaking Dawn
